Google Pay™

To use Google Pay with WhenThen you will need your google merchant ID from your Google payments profile. If you have not set up a payments profile with Google yet you can find the instructions on how to create one here.

You can find your google merchant ID in the "Business Console" of the Google Pay website under the "Settings"

Google Pay Business Console

To configure Google Pay with WhenThen you first have to make a one time call to the Setup Wallet API and register your google merchant ID with us.

-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "Accept: */*"
-H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxx"
-d '{
	"query":"mutation setupWallet($walletType: String!, $payload: JSON!) {
    setupWallet(walletType: $walletType, payload: $payload)
    "walletType": "GOOGLE_PAY",
    "payload": {
			 "merchantGatewayId": "*** YOUR GOOGLE MERCHANT ID ***"

Web Implementation

  • We recommend reading through the Google Pay Web Developer documentation to get an idea of how google pay works on your site. You should also read through Google Pay's Integration Checklist and Brand Guidelines.
  • When requesting the payment network token from Google, the merchant needs to include the following values.
    • gateway use whenthen
    • gatewayMerchantId your google merchant ID (as described at the beginning of the tutorial).
  • In the Google Pay integration tutorial, Step 2 explains how to set the payment tokenization method. Theparameters object would look something like:
  • const tokenizationSpecification = {
        type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',
        parameters: {
          'gateway': 'whenthen',
          'gatewayMerchantId': '*** YOUR GOOGLE MERCHANT ID ***'
  • After obtaining a payment network token from Google Pay, you can then use this to call the Create Payment API setting the paymentMethod as GOOGLE_PAY and passing the network token in the walletToken field. You must also send the transactionId under the googlePay object. The transactionId is a unique ID that identifies a transaction attempt. Read more info here.
  • curl
    -X POST
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxx"
    -d '{
    	"query": "mutation authorizePayment($authorisePayment: AuthorisedPaymentInput!) {
        authorizePayment(authorisePayment: $authorisePayment) {
      "variables": {
          "currencyCode":"*** ISO 4217 Curency Code ***",
             "walletToken":"*** GOOGLE PAY TOKEN ***",
             "redirectUrl":"*** redirect URL for 3DS ***"

Client Side SDK implementation

Display the Google Pay button on your checkout by adding googlepay to the alternativePaymentMethods option.

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Configuration works for both Elements and Drop-In.

const option = {
	alternativePaymentMethods: [
		"type": "googlepay",
		"option": {
				/* Required parameters */
			  merchantInfo: {...},
			  transactionInfo: {...},
				/* Optional parameters */
			  cardParameters: {...}
			  existingPaymentMethodRequired: true,
			  paymentData: {...},
			  button: {...}
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Elements and Drop-in uses the same configuration for googlepay, the difference is that when using Elements, onPaymentRequest callback function will receive a second parameter, paymentData (see PaymentDataRequest for more details) while Drop-In process the payment and return the result fromauthorizePayment in onPaymentComplete callback function.


  • merchantInfoMerchantInfo

    Includes merchantName and merchantId from your Google Pay account. See MerchantInfo

  • transactionInfoTransactionInfo

    This object allows you to define details about transaction. See TransactionInfo for more details.

  • cardParametersCardParameters

    This object allows you to define the accepted payment card types. See CardParameters for more details. See Card Parameters for default value.

  • existingPaymentMethodRequiredboolean

    Customer must have an existing payment method on Google Pay. Default is true

  • paymentDataPaymentData

    Use this object to configure emailRequired, shippingAddressRequired, shippingAddressParameters, shippingOptionRequired and shippingOptionParameters . See PaymentDataRequest for more details. See Payment Data for default value.

  • buttonButtonOptions

    Use this object configure buttonColor, buttonLocale and buttonType. To change Google Pay button height, use rules option in the theme object. See ButtonOptions for more details. See Button Options for default value

Transaction Info

This object allows you to define details about transaction. See TransactionInfo for more details. These are the transactionInfo options available when using WhenThen Checkout SDK.

  • currencyCodeString

    ISO 4217 alphabetic currency code.

  • transactionIdString

    A unique ID that identifies a transaction attempt. Merchants can use an existing ID or generate a specific one for Google Pay transaction attempts. This field is required when you send callbacks to the Google Transaction Events API.

  • totalPriceStatusString


  • totalPriceString

    Total monetary value of the transaction with an optional decimal precision of two decimal places.

  • countryCodeString

    SO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Optional (required for EEA countries).

  • totalPriceLabelString

    Required if displayItems is provided.

  • displayItemsDisplayItem[ ]

    Define Cart Items. See DisplayItem DisplayItem for more details.

Card Parameters

  allowedAuthMethods: ['AMEX', 'DISCOVER', 'INTERAC', 'JCB', 'MASTERCARD', 'MIR', 'VISA'],
  allowedCardNetworks: ['PAN_ONLY', 'CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'],
  allowPrepaidCards: true,
  allowCreditCards: true,
  billingAddressRequired: false,
  billingAddressParameters: undefined,

Payment Data

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paymentData option is only relevant if you are integrating with WhenThen Checkout SDK Elements. If you're integrating with drop-in, you'll only get the result from theauthorizePayment api call on the onPaymentComplete callback function.

  emailRequired: false,
  shippingAddressRequired: false,
  shippingOptionRequired: false,
  shippingAddressParameters: undefined,
  shippingOptionParameters: undefined


  buttonColor: 'black',
  buttonType: 'buy',
  buttonLocale: undefined // Default is set to the browser or operating system language settings.


onPaymentRequest receives a second parameter — paymentData

See PaymentDataRequest for more details.

const handlePaymentRequest = ({paymentMethod, paymentData}) => {
			case "googlepay": 
					// handle google pay

	paymentMethod: "googlepay", 

	paymentData: { // Additonal data requested in the paymentData option will be returned in this object
		paymentMethodData: {
			description: "Mastercard •••• 0000",
			info: {
				cardDetails: "2738",
				cardNetwork: "MASTERCARD"
			tokenizationData: {
				token: "*** GOOGLE PAY TOKEN ***",
			type: "CARD"


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No additional configuration required for Drop-in integration.


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WhenThen is a payments orchestration platform we connect to many different payment processors the authorization methods accepted and card networks supported depends on the payment processors you have connected in your account.

Google Pay on Android

Integrating Google Pay into your android application provides your customer with the ability to securely make one-touch payments using any credit or debit card connected to their GooglePay app.

To begin accepting payment with Google Pay on Android, you must first, make a GraphQL request to our setupWallet API to register your GooglePay merchantId with us.


Follow the official Google Pay for android guide to setup your android application for accepting payment. You can also download our reference application on Github to test your integration against our sandbox environment.


Make a Payment Request to the Create Payment API with the Google Pay token.

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Recurring payments with decrypted Google Pay tokens are unfortunately not supported at this time..