Snowflake Action

Node Type


Snowflake is a leading provider in the cloud data warehousing space that allows you to build data-intensive applications without operational burden.

When to Use

Use the Snowflake action node to export data (e.g., payments data) out of WhenThen and your connected apps into your 3rd party data warehouse. We built this with the export of payment data in mind, but you can use the Snowflake Action node to export any data that lives in or flows through the WhenThen platform

How to Use

Store a Payment

  • When this option is selected, we automatically create a schema and table in Snowflake that fits our payment object. You can find the that payment object scheme here
  • You can find your data exported by the Snowflake Action node in your connected Snowflake account under: - SchemaName - > "WhenThen Schema" - TableName -> Payment

Store Data

  • When this option is selected, you must select an existing scheme from your Snowflake account that we’ve detected.
  • You’ll also have to define a table name
  • To define your data export, use the format of key|value in the object selector Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 17.12.15 (1).png

Example Use Cases

Export all successful payments into your Snowflake data warehouse