No-Code Features

To really make the no-code canvas the ultimate tool for building and launching payment automations, we're enabling features that help you build, test and run your automations, with improvements and enhancements on our backlog.

Monitoring Runs

Once your automation is live, any time the trigger of your Automation is activated, it will create a unique run. We built Monitor to give you transparency and oversight over your automations and every single run.

Here you see, track and investigate each production run of your automation, including each node used, the path taken, and a log of how each node progressed. You can also filter your runs by status and date to find a specific run.

Monitoring runs


Being entrusted to run any part of our customer's payment operations is a big deal; we're responsible for handling critical elements of the payments value-chain through automations, and we need to give merchants confidence that the automations they have built work as expected.

Our Test feature in the no-code canvas does exactly that - allow a user to easily throw any test case / scenario into our testing engine, and be confident that the automation will work the way they expect.

When in test mode, you will have a chance to step through and simulate each node used in your automation. Depending on the type of node and the data / responses generated, you will have the opportunity choose to test the node in simulation, or live in production.


Version History

As you change, iterate and launch new versions of your automations, it can get difficult to track the history. With version control, you can quickly go back and review each version of your Automation that was published.

Version history