
Node Type


Connecting your Pipedrive account allows your automations to trigger downstream actions in your CRM for a specific user

When to Use

Use this node when you want your automation to execute a Pipedrive action. This allows you to update your Pipedrive CRM whenever a customer interacts with your checkout page, allowing you to create an up-to-date and holistic view of the customer.

How to Use

Select an action from the action drop down:

  • Create Person: This action creates a new person in the Pipedrive directory.
  • Find Person: This action searched your person directory to see if the contact in question exists.
  • Update Person: This actions updates the details of an existing person in the Pipedrive Directory.
  • Create Note: This action will add a note to a specific person, deal, lead.
  • Create Activity: This actions will add an activity to a deal, person or lead.
  • Create Deal: This action creates a new deal with the details from the user’s provided details.
  • Find Deal: This action searches the deals in your Pipedrive account to find a deal which matches the details of the user in question.
  • Update Deal: This action will update the details of a deal.

Example Use Cases

After a successful transaction (payment trigger, event = successful), update a users’ profile in Pipedrive to include the new transaction