
Node Type


Connecting your Mailchimp account with WhenThen allows you to access action nodes that allow an integrated experience with your email and campaign management platform.

When to Use

Use when you want your automation to execute a Mailchimp action. When a customer interacts with your checkout page, the Mailchimp integration allows you to add customers to specific audience lists with tags for sending email campaigns based on the outcome of a transaction.

How to Use

Select An action from the action drop down

  • Find Subscriber : This action will search your subscribers list within your audience to see if the email in question exists.
  • Add Subscriber : This action will add a new subscriber using the email attribute to a Mailchimp audience of your choosing.
  • Update Subscriber: This action will update the contact details for an existing subscriber in your Mailchimp audience.
  • Unsubscribe Email: This action will unsubscribe an email address from an audience of your choosing.
  • Send Campaign: this action will send an email to everyone who has signed up to a specific campaign.
  • Remove Subscriber from Tag: This action will remove an existing subscriber from a tag within a specific audience.

Example Use Cases

  • After a successful transaction, add tags to user’s profile reflecting what was purchased
  • After a successful transaction including a specific SKU, remove the user from email campaigns that promote that SKU